Monday, August 19, 2013

Jack turns two.

Two years has come and gone quicker than I had imagined. I can't believe my sweet Jack is already two years old. It's very bittersweet. Something that motherhood has taught me is to cherish the time we have. There were definitely days that I wanted to pass quickly. Days that were stressful, and days that made me question my sanity. Mostly though, there were days that were full of laughter, full of joy, and full of amazement towards this special boy.

 I've been so blessed to spend this time at  homewith Jack. It has been so amazing to watch this sweet little baby grow into a sweet, caring, adventurous little boy. Jack has the most amazing personality. He is shy when you first meet him, but once he warms up, he doesn't stop talking. He loves trains, cars, lawn mowers, hot wheel cars, anything with an engine really. He is all boy. He loves Winnie the pooh, especially Tigger. Most of all, Jack is a lover of music. Really, since he was just a few weeks old he has responded to music in positive way. Some of his favorites include the beatles." Hey Jude" and "Let it Be" are two of his favorites. One day while at a small cafe "Yesterday" came on and Jack said "Let it be"!, it was adorable. Bob Marley, Dave Matthews, James Taylor, and Alison Krauss are a few of his favorites too. I mean, it's because that's what we mostly listen too, but we have to start him young, right? ;)

My life has changed immensely in the last two years. I'm so thankful for my sweet Jack man. I can't picture my life without him. Happy Birthday Jack. I love you more than you know.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Jessica! I hope Jack enjoyed his birthday! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you would be able to answer my quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com
