Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 goals.

My goals for the upcoming year:
-Survive being a mother to a toddler and newborn.
-Have a waterbirth.
-Get into a nursing program, or lactation consulting program.
-Switch all of our pots and pans over from calphalon to stainless steel.
-Start our raised garden beds.
-Get a backyard chicken coop.
-Use my real camera more often (not just my iphone).
-Enjoy each day with all three of my boys!

2012 has been an eventful year. We moved twice, bought our first house, celebrated Jacks first birthday, Matt got out of the military, and we got pregnant with our second child! It has been somewhat of a difficult year, but it was full of blessings. I'm very much looking forward 2013 and all it has to offer. Happy New Years everyone!

Friday, December 28, 2012


You guys. I can't believe Jack is already a year and a half old. Where did the time go? It definitely slipped by too quickly. He is becoming a very fun little boy! He loves music, Donald duck (actually mickey mouse in general), bananas, cookie monster, the beavers (thanks to Matt, haha), cars/trucks/anything that has an engine, babies, green smoothies (he LOVES kale smoothies!), and animals! I could go on and on about the things he loves, he is a very happy sweet boy. I love this little guy, and I can't wait to see him interact with his little brother come May!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Baby #2!

I can't believe I'm already 13 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy is going by FAST!

Some things to note about this pregnancy so far:

• my total weight gain so far is between 0-3 lbs.
• I've been endlessly sick (migraines, nausea, vomiting).
• I've been craving fruits and sweet foods. Mostly berries.
• last week my energy started coming back, but I'm ready for bed by about 5:30!
• I've been breaking out like crazy, it's awful!
•being pregnant with a toddler is exhausting!

Overall, this pregnancy has been pretty rough so far. Hearing the heartbeat at my OB appointment the other day made it pretty worth it though. There really is a sweet little baby growing in there!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A new year, a new blog.

2011 brought a lot of change into my life, some bad, but mostly, it has all been good.

First, we moved from Washington, down to Oregon. Then, just two weeks later, my husband Matt left for Cuba, where he was supposed to be stationed for 18 months. Did I mention I found out I was pregnant just two weeks before we found out the news of him leaving? When he left, I was just entering my third trimester. So, we had some time to digest the news at least.

On June 19th (two days before my due date), he came back to the US, for 3 weeks of leave, hoping to be there when the baby was born. Just 5 hours after I picked him up from the airport, we got into bed for the night, and about 3 minutes later, my contractions started. We are SO lucky! The timing couldn't have been any more perfect. Our son, Jack Handewith Miller, was born on June 20th, 2011 at 5:06pm, less than 24 hours since I had picked up Matt.

Unfortunately three short weeks later, it was time for Matt to head back to Cuba.

So began my journey of single-ish motherhood. Becoming a mother has brought more change to my life than I could have ever imagined.

One of the biggest changes, is a desire to live an all natural lifestyle. In other words, to be green.

Everyday living has so many harmful chemicals that over time, cause a lot of damage to our bodies.

I've created this blog because I want to share this passion I have with others. With my family, my friends, and even strangers. I want to help educate others and let them know that it is possible to be "green" and frugal. It's not all expensive. In fact, some things can even be LESS expensive!

I said at the beginning of this post, 2011 brought a lot of change, and I want to share with you in the upcoming months, the kind of change it has brought to me and my family, and how you can implement some of these changes into yours.