Friday, March 15, 2013

30 weeks pregnant!

-How far along? 30 weeks! Only 10 left to go. Where has the time gone?
-Total weight gain/loss: I've gained 12lbs so far.
-Maternity clothes? Oh yes. I wear a lot of maxi skirts and yoga pants though ;)
-Stretch marks? Nope. (Not from this pregnancy, anyways.)
-Movement: all the time. I don't even have to do kick counts because he moves SO MUCH!
-Food cravings: Not a whole lot, although, over the last few days, I've really been wanting burgerville ice cream cones :)
-Anything making you queasy or sick: not really, I'm so glad to be passed this stage!
-Have you started to show yet? Oh yes! There's not really any hiding this belly any more!
-Gender: Boy!
-Labor Signs: nope :)
-Belly Button in or out? It's completely flat!
-Wedding rings on or off? On, and still a little loose.
-Mood swings?: yes, sorry Matt!
-Looking forward to: I've started seeing my midwife every two weeks, meeting with our Doula again, and our maternity pictures next month!